S.O.S cracks in the facade, water enters my house!
The sun, the rain, the variations in temperature and the passing of time will often make the waterproof materials of our facade cease to be so. Choosing the appropriate waterproofing system will depend on the type of exterior facade we have.
In general we can differentiate two types of facades. Coated facades are those that have a layer independent of the wall that makes them up (single layer, tile, mortar, paint). On the other hand, we have masonry façades, in which the load-bearing element itself acts as a finish (stone, facing brick, etc.)
Is a water-repellent product effective?
Unfortunately, on many occasions it is not, as water filters through the cracks in the mortar that joins the bricks or stones of our facade, that is to say, between the joints... Water-repellent products cannot seal these water inlets.
Solution: The ATKPOL Transparent waterproof membrane:
At ATERKI we have developed a material that covers the entire facade, which is liquid applied, completely transparent and waterproof. With this material we maintain the aesthetics of the façade and restore it in a simple way without costly work. It can be applied from an elevator, which reduces the cost as we do not need scaffolding.
I want to waterproof and insulate the facade
Ideally you should combine correct waterproofing with optimum thermal insulation. This can be done with a SATE system, cork projection or foam injection into the air chamber. Contact us so that we can advise you and find a solution for your case.

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+34 943 730 699
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